In November 1853, Fort McKavett is commanded by Captain (Bvt. Lieutenant Colonel) James V. Bomford. It has a total garrison strength of 112. Only two companies are present: Company H, 8th U.S. Infantry and Company F, 2nd Regiment of Dragoons. Concerning Co. H, there are two commissioned officers: Capt. Bomford and 1st Lieutenant Edward D. Blake. There are a total of three sergeants, two corporals, one musician, and 20 privates on duty. Additionally, 17 soldiers are assigned on extra duty and 3 confined to arrest for a total company strength of 46.
Company H has been stationed at Fort McKavett since its founding in March 1852. The rest of the Regiment has moved westward to establish a post at the convergence of the Upper and Lower San Antonio-El Paso roads at the foot of the Davis Mountains. During their occupation of the fort, the men have constructed five barracks buildings, a Sutler’s Store, a Post Hospital, seven officers’ kitchens (currently occupied as quarters), and a mule yard. Construction on proper officer’s quarters, Adjutant’s office, company kitchens, a new bakery, and a blacksmith shop is currently underway. The company is preparing to hand the fort’s operations over to the 2nd Dragoons and depart, which will occur shortly after the new year.
McClellan’s manual is less than two years old and has taken fancy among young infantry officers as a new fad to exercise into their men. As such, Lieutenant Blake of Company H drills the men on the manual as often as he can, due in part to his fascination with the exploits of Captain Bomford at Churubusco and his (Blake's) late-coming to the War with Mexico. The men of the Company spend their time on fatigue detail under the direction of Edmund Weigle, a German-born stone mason who immigrated to Fredericksburg in 1847. The detail is largely spent cutting stone and constructing buildings.
Event Information.
This event will be a semi-immersive living history event at Fort McKavett State Historic Site in Western Menard County, Texas. Participants will fill the roles of soldiers and officers of Company H, 8th U.S. Infantry circa 1853. Other potential roles are available but require pre-approval by event coordinators including: Army Laundresses, Civilian Labor Contractors, Officers’ wives/families, local residents, and soldiers of the 2nd Regiment of Dragoons.
During the event, soldiers can expect to participate in the daily lives of U.S. Regulars of the antebellum period including: soldier drill (with attention to bayonet practice), fatigue duty (with attention paid to stone cutting/masonry), Barracks life, company kitchen operations, picket duty, military-civilian relations, etc. First-person interpretation is strongly encouraged, but not required. STRICT AUTHENTICITY GUIDELINES WILL BE ENFORCED. Those unwilling to adhere to these guidelines will be asked to leave.
An event registration fee of $15 will be levied to cover the cost of rations and other expenses.
Contact the event coordinator with questions at:
WHO: Quality reenactors and living historians interested in 19th Century military interpretation, Antebellum American and Texas Frontier history, and immersive reenacting.
WHAT: Semi-immersive reenactment of U.S. Regular service on the Antebellum Texas Frontier.
WHEN: 12:00 PM Friday, November 17th, 2023 until 12:00 PM Sunday, November 19th, 2023.
Fort McKavett State Historic Site
7066 FM 864
Ft. McKavett, Texas 76841