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Company H, 8th Regt. of U.S. Inf'y

Headwear: Company brass must be properly placed on issue headwear.

1.  Pattern 1851 cap (shako). 

2.  Pattern 1839 forage cap, either type II or III.

3.  Citizen hat of proper material and construction (for fatigue purposes)


Coat: Regimental brass must be properly placed on military uniforms.

1.  Pattern 1847 fatigue jacket with white tape removed and replaced with dark blue piping.

2.  Pattern 1852 fatigue jacket.

3.  Citizen overshirt of proper material and construction. (for fatigue purposes)

4.  Pattern 1851 frock coat with light blue epaulets. (very limited use)



1.  Pattern 1845 footman trousers.

2.  Pattern 1851 footman trousers with cord down outseam.

3.  Citizen trousers of proper material and construction.



1.  Pattern 1851 issue shirt and drawers.

2.  Citizen shirt of proper material and construction.



1.  Pattern 1851 Jefferson bootees (brogans).

2.  Citizens shoes of proper material and construction

3.  Citizens boots.


Leathers: All accoutrements may be black, white buff  or buff  dyed black. NECK STOCKS ARE REQUIRED.

1.  Black leather neck stock

2.  Pattern 1839 cartridge box with U.S. and Eagle plates

3.  Pattern 1839 Belt (1.5" width)

4.  Pattern 1845/50 cap box

5.  Pattern 1840/51 bayonet scabbard


Haversacks: Not required for garrison duty.

1.  Pattern 1851 federal issue.

2.  Mexican-War issue.


Canteens: Not required for garrison duty. Leather slings required.

1.  Pattern 1848 stamped U.S.

2.  Mexican-War issue. (very limited numbers)



1.  1821 white with blue stripes. US Inked in center

2.  1851 grey with black stripes with US stitched in place.


Knapsacks: Not required for garrison duty.

1.  1825 “Mexican War” pattern.

2.  Blanket roll with oil cloth.

3.  Go without.


Longarm: Appropriate bayonets are required.

1.  Model 1842 Springfield .69 caliber musket.

2.  Model 1840 Springfield musket with Nippes-Maynard Conversion (limited numbers, requires approval).

Other Impressions.

Other impressions are allowed, but require pre-approval from the event coordinator. Your ability to document obscure historical impressions DOES NOT mean that your impression will be accepted or allowed. Other impressions may include: civilian contractors, Army laundresses, limited local citizens, Comanche Indians, and soldiers of Co. F, 2nd Dragoons. 


Please contact the event coordinator about your impression BEFORE registering to discuss options, etc.



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